Columns & Opinions

Texas House Democrats’ tax plan would help renters

Capital Highlights Texas House Democrats unveiled a $20.9 billion plan for property tax relief that drops tax rates, increases the homestead exemption, gives annual rebates to renters, and includes pay raises for teachers, the Austin American-Statesman reported. The newest proposal comes as the Legislature continues wrangling over the issue in the second special session this year.

Jack of all trades

Rustic Ramblings O n Mother’s Day, I saw a cartoon where a kid announced that the family had hired a few people to take Mom’s place so she could take a day off. Pictured were about two dozen people lined up to provide every service from cooking to taxi/Uber to tutoring to nurse and so forth.


Comparative Religions I n his first letter to Corinthians, the Apostle Paul describes himself as “… the least of the apostles, and not even deserving to be called an apostle.” Last week we reviewed the historic reports of what a diminutive man he was physically. And yet, what a gigantic influence he had in helping found what is the largest religion in world history.


Comparative Religions T here is far too much to tell about the Apostle Paul to cover in a single column. So, let’s begin with a little known (or at least rarely discussed) facet of the man… his stature.

Remembering & cashing in on childhood

I hear people despairing that kids nowadays are always on their phones, tablets, or playing video games –never go out to play ball, fly kites or whatever– like we did back in the dark ages of our childhoods.


H ere are four more questions about the early Christian Apostles: Who was the only Gentile writer of the New Testament books? Who was the most prolific of the New Testament writers? Which apostle was a physician? Which apostle might have once been a slave? The answer to all four questions is Luke. He was born about 16 AD in Antioch, Syria, which is modern-day Antakya, Turkey.

Me, my stuff, and I

T here’s apparently a whole movement now to purchase less stuff. There’s a group called Buy Nothing where people give things away or barter for what they need. Great idea, but just not for me. Yet.

Me & also me...

Me: I just can’t understand the lyrics to today’s music. Also, me: *singing* Skeep-beep de bop-bop beep bop bo-dope Skeetle-at-de-op-de-day (1932) Me: Songwriters today are so lazy.