Columns & Opinions

From the Publisher’s Desk

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and the days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne. We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne.

Most Texas pregnancy deaths preventable

A long-awaited state report concludes most pregnancy- related deaths in Texas in 2019 were preventable and disproportionately affected Black women. The report, issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Committee, indicated deaths were mainly attributable to hemorrhage, mental health conditions and blood clots.


I f you have never heard of the Baha’i Faith, you are not alone. And yet, there are two things that immediately distinguish it.

Holiday Time

I t’s holiday time once again!And I hope that whatever holiday each of you may celebrate, you’ll enjoy a lovely, meaningful, happy experience. Try not to get sucked into the annual argument with that third-cousin-twice-removed --the one who knows which buttons to push to get you going and always rubs you the wrong way! Don’t eat or drink too much and end up sorry. OK, warnings out of the way. That said, go out, and have a great time!


W ho knew? More than 400 million people practice folk religions, about 6% of the world population. And they are growing.

Holiday letter

Rustic Ramblings S ocial media, email, and the price of stamps have changed the way we communicate. Fewer folks send Christmas and New Year’s cards these days.


S hinto has been the dominant religion of Japan for two millennia. Emerging from prehistoric folk religions, the name literally means “the way of the gods.” And those gods are called “kami.” Shinto embraces millions of kami.