
Clifton Food Bank releases report on 2023 activities, changes to service

The Clifton Food Bank recently released a report on its activities for the 2023 year. The report stated that the average number of families served on a monthly basis was 77; the highest number of families served in one month was 98 (October 2023); and the average number of people served monthly was 224.

Meet the candidates

Eligible voters will decide the outcome of the partisan political primary elections in Bosque County ending on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. The Clifton Record and the Meridian Tribune recently reached out to the candidates who filed for a place on the ballot in the Republican primary election for Bosque County Attorney, Bosque County Commissioner Precinct 1, Bosque County Commissioner Precinct 3, and Bosque County Tax Assessor-Collector.

Freedom to feel

A memorial service for a Clifton High School student welcomed the community to grieve last Saturday morning, February 10. First Baptist Church of Clifton’s youth minister Stephen Payne encouraged the family and friends of the late Dylan Clay Atkins to feel their emotions at Clifton ISD’s Performing Arts Center.

Texas Land Conservancy protects Little L Ranch from sprawl

Texas Land Conservancy Texas Land Conservancy recently announced the successful permanent protection of Little L Ranch, a 624-acre property located along the Brazos River in Bosque and Somervell Counties. As North Texas experiences rapid expansion, development poses a significant threat to natural landscapes and habitats.